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War Memorial Names - suggestions welcome

St Martha Parish Council

Guildford Borough Council are asking residents asked to put names forward for a new war memorial.

We have just commemorated Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday to remember those who gave their lives for their country. The names of those who fell in the First and Second World War are recorded on memorials up and down the country. Guildford Borough Council is planning a new war memorial in town to commemorate and honour the sacrifices made by those who have been killed in military action or service since the end of the Second World War.

Cllr Matt Furniss, Lead Councillor for Infrastructure and Governance, explains: “We have just remembered the sacrifices many men and women have made for our country. We would like to erect a new war memorial in memory of all those who have lost their lives in military combat or service since the end of World War II. If you know of a relative or friend who this applies to, please get in touch.”

The Council is in the early stages of planning the new war memorial and is asking for names as part of detailed background research. The location of the new war memorial is still to be decided. It will be installed by 2018, to tie in with the centenary of the end of World War I.

Residents are asked to email [email protected] with any suggested names. We would also like to set up a stakeholders group to oversee the new war memorial - residents are asked to get in touch if interested in taking part.

Click here to view GBC’s Press Release