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The results of the GBC Referendum on Elected Mayor

St Martha Parish Council

Guildford Borough Council Press Release : Here is the result of the Governance Referendum for Guildford Borough held on 13 October 2016.

Registered voters were asked how they would like the Council to be run.

          By a leader who is an elected councillor chosen by a vote of the other elected  
          councillors - which is how the Council is run now. Votes = 20,639 


          By a mayor who is elected by voters - which would be a change from how the
          Council is run now. Votes = 4,948 

This means that the Council will continue to be run how it is now, with a Leader and Cabinet system.

Rejected votes = 22

Overall turnout = 24.87%

(Postal vote turnout = 55.94%) (Polling Station turnout = 15.13%)

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