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Parish Council Boundary Review

St Martha Parish Council

Following a public meeting and discussions over the summer, Chilworth as a community has taken the next step in considering whether or not it wants one new Parish Council to represent the village, rather than the two councils at present.

Whilst there is no criticism of the representation of the two current councils, Shalford Parish Council in the West of the village, and St Martha Parish Council in the east, sufficient residents decided that in future one parish Council might work better, and signed the proposal form.

250 voting residents’ signatures were needed, to trigger an automatic review of the current boundaries. Chilworth2gether, acting as neutral facilitators, went door to door and organised other opportunities for residents to sign up if they so wished.

By the end of September, and at the close of the project, 297 signatures had been gathered (with one duplicate signature!), from all parts of the village. The proposal has now ben delivered to Guildford Borough Council’s Governance Office. Following the usual checks, we understand that the proposal will be presented at the December meeting of the full Council.

This is the start of the process, and not the end. Our elected councillors, David wright and James Palmer who are observing the process, have explained that the review is complex, and will involve consideration of all the boundaries, plus full consultation with interested parties and local groups. More information will be provided for all residents, with the roles and responsibilities of the Parish Council, Guildford Borough Council, and Surrey County Council explained. It is likely, once the Review has taken place that a local referendum will be held (probably coinciding with an existing voting opportunity).

We understand this is the first Review of its kind to be undertaken by Guildford Borough Council. Because Chilworth as a village is on the boundary of Parliamentary, County, Ward and Parish areas, the process will be complex, and we understand, could be lengthy.

Taking the views of St Martha residents into account, who do not want the historic reference to St Martha to be lost, Chilworth2gether has suggested that the new Council, if it were to be formed, might be called “Chilworth with St Martha” which would accurately reflect the geographical area of the new Parish Council.